




在周末, you'll see campus through the eyes of a Tiger — learning through the Block Plan, 探索社区和全球十大赌博靠谱平台, and engaging in h一个st conversation about building an conscientious student body. You'll meet other prospective students from around the country and author your own story in the college 搜索 process.


  1. 申请赌博正规的十大网站(ECC)
  2. 一份非正式的成绩单——由你或你的高中辅导员提交.
  3. (可选)高中辅导员的简短评估表. 


如果被ECC接受, 您将收到有关注册的信息, 航班信息, 住宿, 地面交通报销(如果你开车的话). T他的旅行补助金包括你的机票和住宿费. 欢迎家长和来宾出席, 然而, this program is geared towards students and there will be no specialized parent programming.




体验赌博正规的十大网站是开放的 高三学生 (2025届)和 间隔年学生 居住在美国. 要申请这个项目,你必须至少满足 一个 下列标准之一:

  • Self-identify as a student from a historically marginalized and underrepresented background
  • 有资格获得佩尔助学金
  • 有资格享受免费/减价午餐
  • DACA或无证学生在美国完成中学(高中)学业.S. 
  • Identify as a first-generation college student (neither parent obtained a bachelor's degree)

*International students (including students currently 居住在美国) are ineligible for ECC. 想了解更多关于国际学生的信息,请 请参阅我们的国际学生申请信息.



  • 体验我们创新的街区计划
  • 参观校园和美丽的科罗拉多斯普林斯
  • 与资深招生大使(在校生)一对一聊天
  • 与我们令人难以置信的CC教职员工联系
  • 了解经济援助
  • 从招生工作人员那里得到一些关于制作你的申请的建议
  • Engage in the affinity conversations to explore diversity, equity and inclusion at CC

查看去年的ECC时间表 来了解一下这个项目是什么样的. 

资源 & 提示



的 first step that any first-time flyer should take is to learn the airport procedures before taking their flight, 包括可接受的身份证明形式. 所有乘坐国内航班的旅客(18岁以上)必须出示护照 照片的身份证 由州或联邦政府发布的, 比如符合真实身份要求的州驾照, 军事ID, 还是U ?.S. 护照. 如果您未满18岁,请务必携带带照片的身份证件.e. 学生证)于登记时提供. 


许多航空公司提供在线办理登机手续 为了他们的飞行. This allows you to check in for your flight and print off your boarding pass from home through the airline's website or mobile app. 如果你已经在网上登记了, 你可以跳过办理登机手续的队伍,直接去机场安检, 节省大量时间. However, it's worth noting that not all airlines will allow you to check in online. 如果你需要的话 特别的帮助你必须到机场办理登机手续.


请遵守机场的各项规章制度和卫生规定. 如果机场或航空公司不要求你戴口罩, please consider wearing 一个 anyways to keep you and the CC community safe during your visit. 


确保给自己足够的时间办理机场手续. This is especially important if you have to check in at the airport or drop off checked baggage. 机场是不可预测的. You can never know for sure how busy it will be or how long it might take to get through security. If you're checking in at the airport or have bags to check in, you don't want to arrive too early! 办理登机手续的柜台通常在航班起飞前2-4小时开放, 这取决于你要去的航空公司和目的地.


在你的行李上系上彩色丝带或皮带. 在行李提取处, instead of having to pull piece after piece of baggage from the conveyor belt to check if it's yours, you'll be able to quickly and easily identify your baggage and will save a load of time and hassle. 你的背包或较小的行李也这样做吗.


High altitude and low cabin humidity might cause headaches and dizziness if you're not used to it. 的 best way to combat this is by drinking lots of water and staying hydrated. Colorado Springs sits at 6,000 feet of elevation, so it's smart to stay hydrated before you arrive. 


    • 多喝水
      • 不仅是在你来的时候,还有你来之前的日子
    • 为各种天气做好准备
      • Although we have 300+ days of sunshine each year, the weather can turn at any moment. 做好准备! 带层.
    • 放轻松
      • 刚来的时候尽量不要做运动, 给你的身体足够的时间来适应更高的海拔.
    • 注意饮食
      • Foods containing high amounts of potassium and limiting your salt intake are great precautions against altitude sickness. 电解质是给身体补充能量的必需品!
    • 打包什么
      • 可重复填充的水瓶(如果是随身携带的包,必须是空的)
      • 润唇膏
      • 舒适的鞋子
      • 多穿几层(以防下雪或天气凉爽)
      • 旅行枕(飞机、酒店用)
      • 太阳镜和帽子
      • 手机/相机


财务处(s学生账户 在CC) 负责收集和分析所有学生的收费和费用, 包括学费和学生会吗, 还有健康和牙科保险

CSS配置文件, 是大学奖学金服务的简称, is an online application to determine eligibility for non-federal financial aid. Not every college requires it, but nearly 400 colleges do, so be sure to first check the 学校名单 以确定您的孩子是否需要完成申请. It's important to see if the school requires students of divorced parents to complete the additional 无监护权概要.

入学保证金 is a financial deposit to the institution that you plan to attend and it will guarantee your place in the class for the upcoming year. 通常从学费或住宿费中扣除 & 该大学董事会.

从实践经验中学习 is a process of education through experience, followed by reflection on that experience. 体验式学习包含四个要素. 首先,学习者必须愿意积极地参与到体验中. 第二,学习者必须能够反思经验. Third, the learner must possess and use analytical skills to conceptualize the experience. 最后, the learner must possess decision-making and problem-solving skills in order to use the new ideas gained from the experience.

FAFSA is a form filled out by current and future undergraduate college students 在美国 to determine whether they are eligible for student financial aid. 学生必须提交人口统计和家庭财务信息, 比如一个家庭的联邦所得税申报表, 银行对账单, 报税表形式, 以及家庭投资信息.

第一代学生 i她是一个将成为家里头胎的学生, 不包括兄弟姐妹, 在高等教育机构获得学士学位, 比如学院或大学, 在美国.

金融援助 包括来自政府的资金, 私人组织, 和/或教育机构帮助学生支付学费. 的re are various types of financial aid including grants, work-study, loans, and scholarships. 利用 CC财政援助词汇表 选择你的决定计划,并了解你需要申请什么表格.

跨学科教学 is a method of educational instruction whereby a student learns about a single topic or issue from a variety of different viewpoints. 例如, if a student is learning about tourism 在美国 in an interdisciplinary way, they may learn about the revenue generated from tourism in an economics class, 地理课上最受欢迎的旅游景点, historical tourism trends in a history course and effective advertising strategies for tourism agencies in a marketing class.

食宿 是否定义为校园住宿,并附有膳食计划. It is a convenient arrangement that allows students to live on campus with easy, 以负责任的方式获取食物. 一些大学要求即将入学的新生注册房间 & 为他们上大学的头一两年提供食宿, but it is often an option available for any student throughout their four years.

补贴贷款 贷款适用于有经济需要的本科生吗, as determined by your cost of attendance minus expected family contribution and other financial aid (such as grants or scholarships). Subsidized Loans do not accrue interest while you are in school at least half-time or during deferment periods.

A 教学大纲 一门课程的期望是书面的吗. 它通常包括课程政策, 规章制度, 必读和可选文本, 以及评估分项.

学费 在学院或大学学习有相关的收费或费用吗. 学费 usually applies to 一个 academic year of class-generally from September to April.

未受资助的贷款 are loans for both undergraduate and graduate students that are not based on financial need. 资格 is determined by your cost of attendance minus other financial aid (such as grants or scholarships). 在在校期间、延期期间和宽限期期间收取利息.

勤工助学 is a federal program that provides part-time jobs for undergraduate and graduate students with financial needs, 允许他们赚钱来帮助支付教育费用. 勤工俭学的资格来自于填写FAFSA.

QuestBridge is a national nonprofit organization that connects the nation's most exceptional, low-resources high school students with some of the top colleges 在美国. 

报告问题 - 最后更新: 05/28/2024